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Question 3: The circumference of a circle is given by C(r) = 2πr, where ‘r’ is the length of the radius of the circle. Find:
(a). C(2.34 in), (b). C(6.41 m), (c). C(5/12 in)


(a). C(2.34)
The given function is C(r) = 2πr,
Put r = 2.34, we have,
C(2.34) = 2π(2.34) = 2 × 3.14159 × 2.34 = 14.7 inches.

(b). C(6.41 m)
The given function is C(r) = 2πr,
Put r = 6.41 m, we have,
C(6.41 m) = 2π(6.41) = 2 × 3.14159 × 6.41 = 40.275 = 40.3 m

(c). C(5/11 in)
The given function is C(r) = 2πr,
Put r = 5/11 in, we have,
C(5/12 in) = 2π(5/11) = 2 × 22/7 × 5/11 = 20/7 = 2.856 in


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