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Question 5: The total surface area of a cube is given by the function f(s) = 6s2, where ‘s’ is the length of the sides of the cube (see the graph). Find:

(a). f(3.75 m)
(b). f(6.05 in)
(c). f(13.42 mm)


(a). The given function is f(s) = 6s2. Put s = 3.75 m, we have, f(3.75) = 6 (3.75)2 = 6 × 3.75 × 3.75 f(3.75) = 84.4 m2

  • A cube has 6 faces.
  • A cube has all its sides mutually equal; l = h = w.
  • If ‘s’ is the length of the side of a cube, then the surface area of the cube = 6s2

(b). The given function is f(s) = 6s2. Put s = 6.05 inch, we have, f(6.05) = 6(6.05)2 = 6 × 6.05 × 6.05 f(6.05) = 219.615 in2 (c). The given function is f(s) = 6s2. Put s = 13.42 mm, we have, f(13.42) = 6(13.42)2 = 6 × 13.42 × 13.42 f(13.42) = 1077.36 mm2


  1. Pingback:Exercise 1.1, Question 4

  2. Pingback:Exercise 1.1, Math’s 12

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