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Question 1: Define Physics. Explain the scope and importance of physics in today’s technological world.


Physics is the branch of science which deals with the study of matter, energy and their mutual relationship.

The study of Physics covers many fields and therefore, it was essential to divide it in suitable branches. Major branches of Physics are as follow;
Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Sound, Solid State and Modern Physics.

Scope of Physics
Physics has quite a vast scope. It ranges from the small subatomic particles like, electron, proton and neutron to the huge heavenly bodies like solar system and galaxies. The fundamental laws and principles of Physics explain the complicated occurrences of nature. On one hand, it tries to explain questions about the universe, the sun, the moon and creation of universe, and on the other hand, it deals with the small subatomic particles and the system these particles follow in the atom. Hence, Physics covers a big portion of the physical world.

Importance of Physics in the contemporary technological world
Science is correctly considered the most effective force to change the approaches and attitudes of the humankind. Science has enabled man to be free of the superstitious and irrational approaches to solve practical problems of the real world. This change in the human approach to deal with the practical problems is the basis of human development and human lifestyle. No doubt, Physics is the major contributor in bringing this change!
The fast means of communication, information media and transportation has brought the whole world as close as a village. Through satellite communication, events happening in any part of the world are instantly communicated to any other part of the world. Global positioning, tracking system of vehicles or video mobile communication are now commonplace technologies in use; and Physics has a vital role in the development of these technologies … and many more indeed. Thus, we can say Physics has a fundamental role and importance in today’s technological world.

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